Upper image: "Grundriss des chemischen Laboratoriums in Carlsruhe" Lower image: "Grundriss des chemischen Laboratoriums in Stuttgart"  Very detailed diagrams of the chemical labortories in Carlsruhe and Stuttgart. Published 1859.  Original antique print

City Views, Chemistry, Science, Germany, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Laboratories

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Upper image: "Grundriss des chemischen Laboratoriums in Carlsruhe"
Lower image: "Grundriss des chemischen Laboratoriums in Stuttgart"

Very detailed diagrams of the chemical labortories in Carlsruhe and Stuttgart.
Published 1859.

Original antique print  

There are several folds to fit the original book size, Some creasing on fold lines.
Light browning on right vertical fold line.

Page size: 30 x 34.5 cm (11.8 x 13.5")

City Views, Chemistry, Science, Germany, Karlsruhe, Stuttgart, Laboratories, Labor


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