City Views, Original, Near East, Gaza-City, Al-Shifa-Hospital
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View of Gaza-City from the roof of Al-Shifa-Hospital. Also: A-Shifa-Clinic
The large building complex was built in Rimal (Gaza-City) originally as barracks for the British Army in the 1920ies. It became a medical institution for quarantine and fiever-patients in 1946.
The view is water color over pencil on paper. Lower right corner unfinished.
Lower left in German language in pencil: Gaza vom Dach der Quarantäne aufgenommen (Gaza seen from the roof of the quarantine)
Lower right corner: Signature in pencil: Grothe
Minimal age toning. Some very minor traces of age and use.
22,2 x 30,8 cm (8.7 x 12.1")