Maps, Italy, Greece, Asia, Africa, Magna Grecia, Apulia, Calabria, Sicily
"Acquisitiones Phyrrhi Epirotarum Regis situ in Plutarch"
This map shows (as is described by Plutarch) the colonization of Southern Italy including Sicily by the Greece in the 8th century B.C. The Italian part of the Greek expansion was called "Magna Graecia". For many centuries, well into Christian time the Greek language and the Greek culture was much alive in the region. "Romanizing" happened late and slowly. Even in our time there are some
"language islands" in Apulia and in Calabria, where Greek is still commonly spoken.
Copper etching after Hermann Moll (ca. 1654-1732)
Published in "Geographia Classica Emendata, ex Graecorum Latinorumque"
By William Stukeley (1687-1765)
London, ca. 1725
Original antique print
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Light general age toning. Some minor traces of age and use in margins. Center fold.
15,3 x 22,5 cm (ca. 6 x 8.8")