Maps, Africa, Senegal, gold mines, Pierre Compagnon, Bellin
"Carta del Corso de Fiumi Faleme e Sanaga Nel Paese di Bambuc e Tamba Awra formata sopra Luogop dal Sig. Compagnion"
Copper engraving map based on formation by Pierre Compagnon.
Our map stems from the Italian edition of Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772)
Original antique print
"Le Petit Atlas Maritime Recueil de Cartes et de Plan des quatre Parties du Monde". Paris, 1764 (French edition), 1766 (Italian edition)
Map has the names of gold mines given by Pierre Compagnon
Very good condition. Map has several folds to fit original atlas size.
28 x 27,7 cm (ca. 11 x 10.9")
Bambouk and Tamba Awra; The Sanaga River forms a boundary between two tropical moist forest ecoregions. The Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests lie to the north between the Sanaga River and the Cross River of Nigeria, and the Atlantic Equatorial coastal forests extend south of the river through southwestern Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, Cabinda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.