Weather, Weatherstations, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France
"Hochwetterwarten in Europa".
Weatherstations in Europe
Wood engraving after a photographic group arrangement by Linckelmann in (Hamburg) Altona
Stuttgart, dated 1891
From upper left by row:
Wendelsten (Bavaria) - Sonnblick (Rauris, Austria) - Inselsberg (Thuringia) - Brocken (Harz-Mountains) - Ben Nevis (Scotland)
Schneekoppe (Silesia) - Rigi-Kulm (Switzerland) - St. Bernhard Hospiz (Switzerland) - Raxalp (Austria) - Hoch Obir (Austria)
Hoch Obig (Anemometer) - Saentis (Switzerland) - Schmuttenhöhe (Austria) - Sonnenstein (Aistria)
Kronprinzessin Stephanie-Schutzhaus auf dem Monte Maggiore (Italy)
Schafberg (Austria) - Schneeberg Baumgartenhaus (Austria) - Puy de Dome (France) - Lic du Midi (France) - Mont Blanc (France)
Light general age toning. Minimal traces of age and use. Reverse side has unrelated text print.
Overall measurement: 33 x 48,5 cm (ca. 13 x 19")