Religious, Protestantism, Baptists, Baptism
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"Eine Taufe der Baptisten (Wiedertaeufer) Im Neckar bei Canstatt"
(Baptism of Baptists in the Neckar River bei Canstatt)
Wood engraving by E. Lucke und Franz Hollarz published 1879.
Original antique print
Reverse side is printed with unrelated text. Overall light natural age toning.
Image: 15 x 23.5 cm (5.9 x 9.2")
Anabaptism; Bad Cannstatt Cannstatt Kannstadt Stuttgart in Baden-Württemberg, Germany; Evangelisch Freikirchliche Gemeinde; Martin- Luther- King- Kirche; ἀναβαπτισμός: ἀνά- "re-" and βαπτισμός ; Protestantism;
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