Maps, Switzerland, France, Vosges Mountains, Lake Constance, Bertius
"Helvetiae Conterminarumque Terraru, antiqua descrptio".
A very interesting map from a historical and topographical standpoint. In the northwest are the Vosges Mountains and the Doubs River of France. Further south on the west side is Lac Léman (Lake Geneva). In the southwest corner is the source of the Rhine River that play a prominent role on this map. In the northeast is Lake Constance that borders with Germany. In the southeast is the source of the Inn River.
Copper etching by Peter Bertius (1565-1629) for Philipp Cluver Philipp (1580 - 1623), an early author of historic maps. His works were published long beyond his lifespan. This map comes from a pocket size atlas (duodez): Philippi Cluverii. Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam Libri. Amsterdam, 1661. Originally colored.
Original antique print
The two side margins have been widened. Minor spotting in margins.
Size: ca.12 x 12,5 cm (ca.4.72 x 4.92").