"A Map of the Holy Land or Travels of the children of Isreal out of Egypt through the Red Sea & the Wildness into Canaan"  Copper engraving map by Thomas Hutchinsen ca 1733  from "The Works of Flavius Josephus..."  This uncommon map shows the encampments of the Children of Isreal and the divisions of the various tribes. The Dead Sea is titled "Asphalttis Lake" with the names Sodom and Gomorra written in the lake.  Original antique print   For a 30% discount enter MAPS30 at chekout
"A Map of the Holy Land or Travels of the children of Isreal out of Egypt through the Red Sea & the Wildness into Canaan"  Copper engraving map by Thomas Hutchinsen ca 1733  from "The Works of Flavius Josephus..."  This uncommon map shows the encampments of the Children of Isreal and the divisions of the various tribes. The Dead Sea is titled "Asphalttis Lake" with the names Sodom and Gomorra written in the lake.  Original antique print   For a 30% discount enter MAPS30 at chekout
"A Map of the Holy Land or Travels of the children of Isreal out of Egypt through the Red Sea & the Wildness into Canaan"  Copper engraving map by Thomas Hutchinsen ca 1733  from "The Works of Flavius Josephus..."  This uncommon map shows the encampments of the Children of Isreal and the divisions of the various tribes. The Dead Sea is titled "Asphalttis Lake" with the names Sodom and Gomorra written in the lake.  Original antique print   For a 30% discount enter MAPS30 at chekout
"A Map of the Holy Land or Travels of the children of Isreal out of Egypt through the Red Sea & the Wildness into Canaan"  Copper engraving map by Thomas Hutchinsen ca 1733  from "The Works of Flavius Josephus..."  This uncommon map shows the encampments of the Children of Isreal and the divisions of the various tribes. The Dead Sea is titled "Asphalttis Lake" with the names Sodom and Gomorra written in the lake.  Original antique print   For a 30% discount enter MAPS30 at chekout

Maps, Holy Land, encampments, Canaan, Sodom, Gomorra

Regular price $280.00
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"A Map of the Holy Land or Travels of the children of Isreal out of Egypt through the Red Sea & the Wildness into Canaan"

Copper engraving map by Thomas Hutchinson ca 1733
from "The Works of Flavius Josephus..."

This uncommon map shows the encampments of the Children of Isreal and the divisions of the various tribes. The Dead Sea is titled "Asphalttis Lake" with the names Sodom and Gomorra written in the lake.

Original antique print 

For a 30% discount enter MAPS30 at chekout

The map has fold to fit original book size. A few light parallel creases
and original printer's creases. One tiny repair on right margin edge.
Minor sgns of age and use.

Map image: 43 x 31 cm (17 x 12.2")
The Dead Sea; יָם הַמֶּלַח‎ ;Sea of Salt; البحر الميت‎ ; Canaan 𐤊𐤍𐤏𐤍 –  כְּנַעַן‎ – Kənáʿan, Χανααν  كَنْعَانُ‎ Semitic-speaking civilization; Ancient Near East; Bible, Levant, Phoenicia, Philistia, and the Land of Israel, Asphaltites; Jericho; Moabites; Ammonites; Simeon; judah; Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Gad, Issachar, Manasseh, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun, Judah and Benjamin; Syria, Aram;  Amalekites; Madianites; Red Sea; Egypt
interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design


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