Maps, Europe, Botanicals, plant families, temperatures
"Botanisch-Geographisch-Statistiche, Karte von Europa"
"Verbreitung der vornehmste Phanerogamen, Lauf der Temperatur-Kurven des waermsten und den kaeltesten Monats"
Steel engraving map from the Bibliographische Institut, published 1859.
In the upper right is a list (in Latin and German) of the plant families that are shown in the tables of each country.
Original antique print
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Vertical centerfold has been flattened. Right margin has been widened.
Image: 21 x 27 cm (8.2 x 10.6")
Glumaceae; Eriocauleae; Centrolepideae; Restionaceae; Cyperaceae; Gramineae (Poaceae); Juncaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly known as the rush family.; Brassicaceae; Cruciferae is a family of flowering plants known as mustards, crucifers, cabbage family; Fabaceae or Leguminosae known as the legume, pea, bean family; Apiaceae or Umbelliferae, genus Apium, known as the celery, carrot or parsley family, or simply as umbellifers; Lamiaceae, Labiatae, known as the mint or deadnettle or sage family. Amentaceae, trees and plants where the flowers are arranged in the form of catkins (amenta) includes Betulaceae (the birch), Salicinese (the willow), Balsamifluae (the liquidambar), Plataneae (the plane), and Cupuliferae (the nut); Conifers, gymnosperms (Pinophyta; Coniferophyta, Coniferae); Malvaceae, mallows; spermatophytes (lit. seed-bearing plants), phanerogams (taxon Phanerogamae) or phaenogams (taxon Phaenogamae);
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