Maps, Bulgaria, Danube
"Die Laender der unteren Donau vom Vten bis in das Xte Jahrhundert". Countries along the lower Danube from the 5th into the 10th century.
Steel etching by W. Alt. 1846. Faint borderline coloring.
Original antique print
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Page size: 37 x 43.8 cm (14.6 x 17.2")
Donau, Dunărea, Doana, Dōnaj, Dunaj, Dunaj, Duna, Donava, Dunav, Дунав, Дунай, Δούναβης, Danubio, Danubio, Tuna, Danubi, Tunë, It begins in the Black Forest region of Germany and runs through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine and discharges into the Black Sea. interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design