Australia, Australia, Australien, New Zealand, Polynesia, New Guinea, Hawaii, South Pacific  Lithograph published 1855 by the Koenig. Lith. Institut in Berlin.  Minimal hand coloring.  This map is very detailed of Polynesia with many islands that are not normally on a map of this age.  Notice that California is in the upper right corner. Slightly southwest of California are the Hawaiian Islands.  New Zealand is shown in the lower center.

Maps, Australia, Australia, Australien, New Zealand, Polynesia, New Guinea, Hawaii, South Pacific

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" Australia und Polynesia zur Übersicht der Entdeckung und Colonisation"

Maps, Australia, Australia, Australien, New Zealand, Polynesia, New Guinea, Hawaii, South Pacific

Lithograph published 1855 by the Koenig. Lith. Institut in Berlin.

Minimal hand coloring.

This map is very detailed of Polynesia with many islands that are not normally on a map of this age.

Notice that California is in the upper right corner. Slightly southwest of California are the Hawaiian Islands.

New Zealand is shown in the lower center. On the left side north of Australia are the Philippines and Papua New Guinea.

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Light creasing in lower left area.

Map image: 29.5 x 37.5 cm (11.6 x 14.7")


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