Le Ventre Inferieur - Tab III
Du Ventre Inferieur - Tab III
Right margin has been widened. Creasing.
Repaired cuts in image.
16th Century Surgical and Anatomical Prints
Here are a few pages from an early, very important medical book which is in large part based on the famous anatomist Andreas VESALIUS (1514 - 1564). Vesalius who studied anatomy in Paris and in Leuwen (Belgium) travelled as a physician and surgeon with the fighting armies during the wars between Charles V. and Francis I., gave his first scientific lectures in Basel starting in 1540, was a professor in Padua, Pisa and Bologna In Madrid, where he was the personal M.D. to Philipp II, he was thought to be a sorcerer and sentenced to death by the Inquisition. Philipp pardoned him, but made him travel to Jerusalem as a penitent, a voyage from which he did not return as his ship wrecked on the rocks of the island of Zante. His main work "De humani corporis fabrica", Basel 1543 was a revolutionarily important breakthrough on human anatomy We offer here an early French edition of 1597 based on Vesalius. Here is the title of the work:
"Oewres de Chirurgie, De Iacques Guillemeau,Chirurgien Ordinaire du Roy et Ivre a Paris avec Les Portraits et Figures de Toutes les Parties du corps humain et des Instruments necessaires au Chirurgien. MDXCVII (1597)".
Size of page: ca. 31.5 x 20 cm (12.4 x 7.9 ")
Margins are larger than shown. Some of the waves in paper have been caught by scanner.
Backsides are printed (in French) with information to image.
All prints have overall toning and some spotting. Edges show browning.
Some margins have been carefully widened with paper of this age. Special faults are mentioned.