Landcapes, USA, Pikes Peak
"Pikes Peak von Goettergarden aus gesehen"
Wood engraving of Pikes Peak looking from the Garden of the Gods.
Published ca 1880.
Original antique print
Image: 15.5 x 22 cm (6.1 x 8.7")
Pikes Peak is the highest summit of the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, in North America. The ultra-prominent 14,115-foot fourteener is located in Pike National Forest, 12 miles west of downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado. The mountain is named in honor of American explorer Zebulon Pike.
The area now known as Garden of the Gods was first called Red Rock Corral by the Europeans. M. S. Beach, suggested that it would be a "capital place for a beer garden". Rufus Cable: "Beer Garden! Why, it is a fit place for the Gods to assemble. We will call it the Garden of the Gods."
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