Nicolas Regnault: La Viorne ou Coudre Moinsinne, Viburnum lantana.
La Viorne ou Coudre Moinsinne, Viburnum lantana,
Ital. Lantana viburno, Angl. Way-Faring-Tree, Wildoine, Allem. Schlingbaum
Decorative Botanicals by N. Regnault
Browsing the world in search of rare as well as decorative antique prints, prints one does not see every day, prints which are not to be found easily in most antique print shops, we came upon this very delightful, highly decorative and botanically as well as medicinally interesting collection of original color-printed and hand-finished-colored copper etchings of plants and their descriptions of use in medicine and cuisine, stemming from a rare French herbal written by Nicolas Francois Regnault after the drawings by Geneviève de Nangis-Regnault, published in Paris, 1774 - 1780 as "La Botanique..."
We are absolutely certain that you will enjoy the delicacy of design. Have a look at the one - of four - title pages which we were able to secure. And then go on to the finely etched plants. You will certainly notice that you have probably not seen much alike. So we are happy to present a fine selection of this famous collection.
Prints have hand-written numbers in lower margin.
Most prints have a separate page of text ( in French ).
Page size: 48.5 x 33 cm (19 x 12.9 ") vertical pages
Page size: 33 x 48.5 cm ( 12.9 x 19 ") horizontal pages
Average height of plants: 32 cm (12.6 ")