Maps, Japan, Korea, Bellin
"Carta dell'Isole del Giappone e la Penisola di Corea con le Coste della China da Pekin sino a Canton". Copper etching by Bellin from the Italian edition of his atlas. Ca. 1750. Modern hand coloring.
The geographical area of this map is very clear with Japan, Korea and the coast of China from Peking in the north to Canton in the south. Formosa (Taiwan) is shown in green off the coast of China in the south. The red horizontal line near the bottom is the Tropic of Cancer.
Bellin was a French hydrographer, geographer, and member of the French intellectual group the Philosophes. Bellin was born in Paris. He was hydrographer of France's hydrographic office, member of the Académie de Marine and of the Royal Society of London. Over a 50 year career, he produced a large number of maps of particular interest to the Ministère de la Marine. His maps of Canada and of French territories in North America (New France, Acadia, Louisiana) are particularly valuable. He died at Versailles.
Original antique print
Map has overall light toning and several vertical and horizontal folds to fit atlas. The margin has been widened in the lower right corner. Overall condition is Almost Very Good.
20.2 x 28 cm ( 7.9 11 ") interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design