Fashion, Genre, Allegory, Season, Summer
With Subtitel in English and in French: "What Fragrance in the gentle breeze - Quelle douceur dans le zephyr!"
Hand-colored stipple copper etching by Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815)
After the painting by Francis Wheatley (1747-1801)
London, dated 1789
Original antique print
A young lady with a straw hat topped with ostrich feathers holding a nosegay in her hand.
Image in fine condition. Margins show some traces of age and use. Verso: upper left and right corner remnants from mounting.
Image: 18,2 x 15,8 cm (ca. 7.2 x 6.2")
portrait; rose; clothing; fashion;
“Milk below maids; Two bunches a penny primroses; Sweet China oranges; Do you want any matches?; New mackerel; Knives, scissors and razors to grind; Fresh gathered peas young hastings; Round and sound, five pence a pound duke cherries; Strawberrys scarlet strawberrys; Old chairs to mend; A new love song only ha’penny a piece; Hot spice gingerbread smoaking hot!”
peddlers, charlatans, street hawkers, milkmaids, and grocers who made their living on the city streets.