City Views, Italy, Florence, Chiesa Annunziata, Zocchi
"Veduta Della Piazza, E Chiesa Della SS. Annunziata View De La Place, Et De L Eglise De La Tres-Sainte Annonciation"
Engraved by Matteo Carboni. Pleasant hand coloring.
Image size: 17.8 x 29.2 cm ( 6.8 x 11.4 ")
$ 220.00
Order Nr. ZOCCHI238765
Copper Engravings of Florence after Giuseppe Zocchi
A very attractive series of copper etchings was published in Florence in the year 1760. Different engravers used the drawings by Giuseppe Zocchi, Giovanni Battista Cecchi, Matteo Carboni, Cosimo Rossi and Lorenzo Bardi. Lorenzo Bardi published with these copper etchings wonderful set of "Vedute di Firenze" (Views of Florence). These were published ca 1785.
Giusseppe Zocchi is known as the " Piranesi of Florence"
We offer here some of these views of Florence. They all have a very light pleasant age patina and are in very good condition.
Page size: 23 x 34 cm ( 9 x 13.3 ")
At the bottom of this page are some of the large luxury folio prints.
The Piazza della Santissima Annunziata is a square in the city of Florence, in the Tuscany region of Italy. The Piazza is named after the church of the Annunziata at the head of the square. In the center of the piazza is the bronze Equestrian statue of Ferdinando I and two Mannerist fountains with fantastical figures, all works completed by the Late Renaissance sculptor Pietro Tacca.