Palmyra: "The Ancient City of Palmira as it now appears" (Syria)
"The Ancient City of Palmira as it now appears" (Syria)
Copper etching (original hand-coloring). Published by Carington Bowles in a series of perspective views after the British expedition and the careful drawing of all then remaining antique ruins in Palmira. Robert Wood and James Dawkins went to Palmira in 1751 and had J.P Borra an italian architect draw the ruins. Their enormously important monumental work bore the title: The Ruins of Palmira" and was published in London, 1753This is plate 4, the general view, of the set of 4 perspective views, which were printed after the mentioned book. London, ca. 1760
Title in English and French in the manner of perspective views.
1. The Temple of the Sun (Baal) - 2. ATurkish Mosque - 3. A Little Temple - 4. The Cell of a Temple - 5. Large Pedestals - 6. A Line of Columns which belonged to a Portico - 7. The Remains of a Christian Church - 8. Ruins of a Sepulchre - 9. Buildings errected by Diocletian - 10. A Sepulchre - 11. Ruins of a Turkish fortification - 12. The Turkish castle on the hill.
Beautiful original hand coloring. Hardly visible repaired tear on right side. Small repaired tear in left margin.
Overall very pleasant appearance.
27.2 x 37.8 cm (10.7 x 14.9")