City Views, Italy, Florence, Zocchi, Veduta della Chiesa e Piazza Ognissanti
"Veduta della Chiesa e Piazza Ognissanti"
Engraved by Jos. Papini.
Copper Engravings of Florence after Giuseppe Zocchi
A very attractive series of copper etchings was published in Florence in the year 1760. Different engravers used the drawings by Giuseppe Zocchi, Giovanni Battista Cecchi, Matteo Carboni, Cosimo Rossi and Lorenzo Bardi. Lorenzo Bardi published with these copper etchings wonderful set of "Vedute di Firenze" (Views of Florence). These were published ca 1785.
Giusseppe Zocchi is known as the " Piranesi of Florence"
Image: 46 x 66 cm ( 18.1 x 25.9" )
Page size: 59 x 80 cm (ca. 23.2 x 31.5")
Image is in excellent condition. Strong impression. Heavy Paper.
In the lower area light creases parallel to centerfold.
Minor signs of age and use in margins.
Minor signs of age and use in margins. interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design