City Views, Australia, Melbourne
"Palais Federal De Melbourne"
Zincograph published ca 1890.
Original antique print
On the reverse side is unrelated text
about the Philippines.
Image: 20 x 14.5 cm (7.8 x 5.7")
Some comments via the Melbourne & Victoria - Through The Decades:
- Demolished in 1973
- Corner of Collins and King Streets. Destroyed for a ugly concrete building, which was also knocked down recently for a big glass box.
- the tower was occupied by "man about town" Peter Janson. Big party giver - great intro to Melbourne for a girl from provincial Brisbane. And an easy walk to my first job.
- My Great Aunt took me to the Palm Room there in about 1967 as a treat it was stunning high empire style and silver service all gone. The foyer was a real tourist attraction and talking point so amazingly huge, photos dont do it justice.... big loss to Melbourne.