Caricatures, Portraits, Daumier, Le Charivari, Jules de Lasteyrie
Jules de Lasteyrie (dit Lasteyrie - quinquet") Autrefois membre de l'opposition, présentement ennemi des lumières. Ebloui par la trop subite apparition du soleil de la République, Jules de Lasteyrie s'est voué à l'abat-jour du Constitutionnel."
Translation: JULES de LASTEYRIE (also known as Lasteyrie the Argand lamp). Former member of the opposition, now ennemy of the light... blinded by the sudden appearance of the sun of the Republic, Jules de Lasteyrie now wears the eye-shade of the Constitutionnel. Background: LASTEYRIE du SAILLANT, Jules, Marquis de (1810-1883) was a politician and liberal Deputy from 1842-1848. He protested against the coup d'état of Louis-Napoléon and was exiled. He returned 1852 and served as a Deputy in 1871. He was nominated Senator for life in 1875. Lasteyrie here at the rostrum is wearing sunglasses and eye protection to prevent the sun of the Republic from blinding him. In the background, Parliamentarians are listening to his speech. As usual, there is a glass of sugar water prepared for the speaker. Lithograph by Honoré Daumier Published in ãLe Charivari" June 1, 1850 Work Catalogue: LD 1881 Series: Les Représentants Représentés Nr. 33"
Condition: Paper generally age-toned.
Measurements including text below: 30 cx 20,8 cm (ca. 11.8 x 8.2") Page size: 33 x 23 cm (ca. 13 x 9")