Originally hand-colored copper etching by Matthaeus Seutter (?-1757)  Augsburg, Germany, 1744  Very decorative world map with two hemispheres. These are surrounded by several globes. Clockwise from upper left: Southern hemisphere (South Pole) Australia showing- Northern hemisphere (Perpendicular from North Pole) - Northern hemisphere (oblique from North Pole) - The equator straight on - the equator oblique view - The Old World - Northern hemisphere perpendicular from North Pole

Maps, World Map, Seutter

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Left cartouche: "Diversi Globi Terr-Aquei Statione Variante Et Visu Intercedente Per Coluros Tropicorum, Per Ambos Polos Et Partciul Sphaerae Zenith In Planum Delineati Orthogranici Prospectus"

Right cartouche: ""Quibus additive pro Mutatione Horizontis Differentes Spaeeae Positiones earumque Mutua cum Circ. Coelestibus Cenvenientia et Relatio Augustae Vindelicor. Cura et Studio Matth. Seutteri. S.C. Maj. Georgr."

Originally hand-colored copper etching by Matthaeus Seutter (?-1757)

Augsburg, Germany, 1744

Very decorative world map with two hemispheres. These are surrounded by several globes. Clockwise from upper left: Southern hemisphere (South Pole) Australia showing- Northern hemisphere (Perpendicular from North Pole) - Northern hemisphere (oblique from North Pole) - The equator straight on - the equator oblique view - The Old World - Northern hemisphere perpendicular from North Pole - South Pole perpendicular view with a vague view of Australia - Another view from South Pole - The New World with California as an island - Vertical horizon - The earth graticule.

Original antique print 

Map has very beautiful original hand coloring, is clean and has ample margins on all sides. Centerfold has been smoothed and reinforced top 3 inches. Verso blanco.

49.5 x 57.5 cm (ca. 19.5 x 22.6")  interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design

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