Sports, Ancient World, Portraits, Olympic Games, Milo
"Milon le Crotoniate" (Milo of Croton)
Copper etching by B.A. Nicolette after the painting by Le Georgion
Paris, ca. 1770
Original antique print
Print is trimmed to the bordure and mounted on cardboard.
Image: 20,5 x 23,3 cm (ca. 8 x 9.1")
Milo was a six-time Olympic victor. He won the boys' wrestling (probably in 540 BC), and thereafter five men's wrestling titles between 536 and 520 BCE. ... To intimidate his opponents, Milo of Croton would consume raw bull's meat in front of his adversary and would drink raw bull's blood for energy and vitality. According to legend he was attempting to tear a tree apart when his hands became trapped in a crevice in its trunk, and a lion surprised and devoured him.
Milo was not exactly a gladiator, but a famous wrestler.
Magna Graecian city of Croton; Cutruni; Calabria; Achaean colony of Kroton; Crotona;
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