Landscapes, USA, Fort Massachusetts, Colorado, Fort Garland, Mount Blanca, United States Pacific Railroad Expedition and Survey
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Lithograghs from the U.S.P.R.R. Exp. & Survey
(United States Pacific Rail Road Expedition and Survey)
Enjoy looking at some of the most artisic and documentary prints made of the American West. These original hand-colored lithographs were made in the 1850s by a group of naturalists and artists who travelled with the expedition surveying the West for the U.S. Pacific Railroad. These prints were published as part of the official government report.
"Fort Massachusetts"
Fort Massachusetts was a military installation built in the San Luis Valley in Southern Colorado. It was located near the western bank of Ute Creek on the base of Mount Blanca and sat at an elevation of 8,000 feet,[1] approximately 6 miles north of present-day Fort Garland.
Additional information about Fort Massachusetts
Lat: 37.49532 Long: -105.39519
Blanca Peak, Mt Lindsey, Costilla County, San Luis Valley
Image: 15 x 22.5 cm (5.9 x 8.8")