Dogs, Professions, City Views, England, London, Spaniel, Gingerbread, Francis Wheatley, Fashion
No title. Hot spiced Gingerbread (Lebkuchen) vendor
Copper stipple engraving by Francis Wheatley (1747-1801)
Published in a series "The Cries of London"
"Hot spice gingerbread, smoaking hot"
Lodon, 1795
Original antique print
Print is trimmed, so that title is missing. Margins spotty. Image in good condition.
Image: 36 x 28,4 cm (ca. 14.2 x 11.2")
Note, Gus (Augustine), our beloved English Springer Spaniel is not for sale. There are times when we would gladly ship him to Uppsala, Timbuktu, or deep into the Bruneau Canyon, but we quickly remember that he really just wants to share unconditional love... and eat anything that is not locked away...
The 12 titles include “Milk below maids; Two bunches a penny primroses; Sweet China oranges; Do you want any matches?; New mackerel; Knives, scissors and razors to grind; Fresh gathered peas young hastings; Round and sound, five pence a pound duke cherries; Strawberrys scarlet strawberrys; Old chairs to mend; A new love song only ha’penny a piece; Hot spice gingerbread smoaking hot!”
peddlers, charlatans, street hawkers, milkmaids, and grocers who made their living on the city streets.