Ancient World, Genre, Masterprint, Coats of arms, Kingdom of Navarra
No title. Naked male Trumpet god, Notos, appearing in a cloud above a landscape and, hanging from trumpet, a flag with the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Navarra.
Coat of arms of Navarra with crown and, what is called in heraldic language, the Navarra chain.
Seems to represent the winds N, NE, E, SE, S, SO, O and NO starting at the top and going clockwise.
An eagle and the head of a lioness??? hiding in the arrangement of flowers.
Sud Auster was the name of the south wind in Roman times Notos is the god of the southwind.
Aristole described this wind as warm.
Anonymous copper etching. Trimmed toner plate mark. Left margin added. Engraved is, in lower right corner, just outside plate mark, nr. 26. Print has a vertical crease on the left side.
Published ca. 1700
Original antique print
Image: 19 x 19 cm (ca. 7.5")