Animals, Dogs, Curiosities, Dogs, Hundskopfmenschen, Kynokephale, Hemikynes, Cynokephale, Strabon, Plutarch, Nacumera, Java
"Hundskopfmenschen" (people with dog heads)
Curiosities, Dogs, Hundskopfmenschen, Kynokephale, Hemikynes, Cynokephale, Strabon, Plutarch
Wood engraving published 1881.
Original antique print
On the reverse side is unrelated text.
Image: 7.5 x 10 cm (2.9 x 3.9")
The Egyptian god Anubis
Andaman Islands, between India and Burma
Nacumera, near Java
People with dog heads (a.k.a: Cynocephalus)
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
Sir John Mandeville is the supposed author of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a travel memoir which first circulated between 1357 and 1371. The earliest-surviving text is in French.
Cynocephali, Monstrous Races, Cannibalism, John Mandeville, Age of Discovery
Marco Polo, Livre des merveilles ; Odoric de Pordenone, Itinerarium de mirabilibus orientalium Tartarorum, traduit en français par Jean le
robed garments, shoes, and belted pouches
Cynocephali. Circle of Boucicaut Master, Bibliothèque nationale, c. 1410-1412
Cynocephaly: a remarkable people with the “heads of dogs”.
Ibn Battuta