Landscapes, Railroads, USA, Mouse River, Souris River, North Dakota, United States Pacific Rail Road Expedition and Survey
Lithograghs from the U.S.P.R.R. Exp. & Survey
(United States Pacific Rail Road Expedition and Survey)
Enjoy looking at some of the most artisic and documentary prints made of the American West. These original hand-colored lithographs were made in the 1850s by a group of naturalists and artists who travelled with the expedition surveying the West for the U.S. Pacific Railroad. These prints were published as part of the official government report.
"Near Mouse River" (Souris River, North Dakota)
Image: 14.5 x 22.5 cm (5.7 x 8.8")
Grant Devine Dam and Reservoir on Moose Mountain Creek
Long Creek
Short Creek
Moose Mountain Creek
Des Lacs River
Livingston Creek
Wintering River
Deep River
Little Deep Creek
Spring Coulee
Cut Bank Creek (North Dakota)
North Lake
Egg Creek
Hay Coulee
Buffalo Lodge Lake
South Egg Creek
Willow Creek
Snake Creek (North Dakota)
Oak Creek
Ox Creek
Wolf Creek
Plum Creek (Manitoba), a river that drains Plum Lakes and Oak Lake (Manitoba) into the Souris River
Stony Creek, flows into Maple Lake, which drains into Plum Lakes
Pipestone Creek (Saskatchewan), flows into Oak Lake
Little Pipestone Creek
Montgomery Creek
Jackson Creek
Graham Creek
Boundary Creek (North Dakota)
Antler River
Gainsborough Creek
Cities along the river:
Weyburn, Saskatchewan
Estevan, Saskatchewan
Roche Percee, Saskatchewan
Oxbow, Saskatchewan
Burlington, North Dakota
Minot, North Dakota
Velva, North Dakota
Towner, North Dakota
Westhope, North Dakota
Melita, Manitoba
Souris, Manitoba
Wawanesa, Manitoba