Landscapes, Geology, England, England, Devonshire, Geological Formations, Bermuda
"Kustenlandchaft von Devonshire"
Devonshire, Geological Formations
Wood engraving ca 1900.
Original antique print
Below the image are names of the geological formations shown.
Vertical centerfold. On the reverse side is text about this type of geological formation.
Image: 9 x 31.5 cm (3.5 x 12.4")
Text below:
But it was not only the age of the rock layers that was sought to be discovered, but also the way in which they were obtained, to which Werner had already paid the greatest attention. At that time nobody had the means to determine the exact structure of rocks, and it was only in the 19th century that the inventive Wechanifer William Nicel in Edinburgh began to grind smooth on one side of the rocks to be examined, to vole. tleben with Sanaba balm on a Masplättdjen and then also sanding down on the other side until the whole thing was sufficiently crafted. Even though thin sections using polarized light were given to Wittel for more detailed examination of rocks, weologists initially made fine use of them until Henry Sorby, around the middle of the 19th century, learned the new method from Nicol's successor Alexander Brysont and (1858 ) showed how suitable each was to lay out the stone structure, the growth of the Bu family and the formation of the Great Sea. Birfel in Leipzig followed and perfected the new way of examining the brain (1843), Rosenbusch), Fouqué and many other Borders followed suit and are now among the foremost tools that help us unravel the history of heritage. 3dy doesn't want to talk about how Mitroffop tells the history of the formation of the rocks.. the sequence of the individual western components, yes the later fates (pressure, crushing and bergl) help, but remind me that bag burch his help could be determined , many apparently homogeneous, pale rocks, which had been explained on Werner's pages as telling fogar els chemical wastes, consisted mainly of remains of organic rocks, such as numerous salt stones from the Brucifiüden
Devonshire ridges
made up of mussels and blades, of serigelous shells and spines and similar structures, while others, such as the striebe (nad hrenberg's investigations 1839), largely consist of foraminisers, still others, such as aviary slate, consist of the trickling shells of diatoms and radiolarians, In this way, one gained a completely different view of the importance of small animal organisms for the development of individual components via inherited bark, after one had long been convinced of the importance of reef-forming corals in this regard. As early as the 18th century people were familiar with the storal structures of the Rose Sea, at the beginning of the 17th the role of the Maldives was described and in the 18th century it was established that storal animals build these structures and that the coral reefs are beginning to warm to warm weather. During Freycinet's expedition in 1818-20, Dung and Baimard denied that reef trout were only able to live in shallow water (not less than 10 meters), and H. Steffens concluded in 1822 from the ring-shaped shape of the quiff that there were craters beneath the sea, on their swell where the little animals would have settled. In 1834 Ehrenberg showed for the coastal reefs of the Red Weeves nadh that stovaline structures form a 3 meter thick coating on the bedrock, while Ch role: he assumed that coral structures originally had girded an island as fringing reefs, that burd fangjame sentung the bottom the reefs would have been spurred to energetic heights mademum, that finally the central valley fell below sea level and only the ring-shaped reef, the atoll that remained on the surface.