Ancient World, Fresco, Herculaneum, Ercolano, Ausgrabungen, Nolli, after Gio. Morgen
Engraved by Nolli after Gio. Morghen.
Herculaneum, Ercolano, Fresco, Ausgrabungen, Nolli, after Gio. Morgen
Copper etching from "Raccolta di Pitture d'Ercolano", a collection of prints which was published between the years 1752 - 1762. A very attractive series, decorative and impressive! The prints were made from frescos and artefacts excavated in Herculaneum.
Below most images are the words "Palmo Romano" and "Palmo Napolitano" with a measurement shown for each size of the palm of the hand. This was an antique Italian measurement system.
These prints show frescoes and archeologicl treasures found in the ruins of Herculaneum. Herculaneum was totally buried in superheated pyroclastic ash and lava during the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79AD. The town was forgotten until 1710 when the first remains were found. In 1738 Carl von Bourbon, the king of Naples, started a systematic excavation of the area which has continued until the present day. Much of the area cannot be excavated because it lies under the modern town of Ercolano.
Fine condition. Image size: 23 x 32 cm ( 9 x 12.5 ")Page size: 32 x 47 cm ( 12.5 x 18.5 ")