Atlas Title Pages - Linschoten - India - South East Asia.  "Dritter Theil Indiae Orientalis"  Hier hinein bitte in deutlich lesbaren Buchstaben den Text der Titelseite.  Hand-colored copper etching of the title page of the third part of Jan Huygen van Linschoten (1563-1611)  German edition of his "Itinerario"  Publishers:  Johann Theodor and Johann Israel de Bry  Frankfurt on the Main 1599  Linschoten went to Goa (Portuguese India) and worked during six years as secretary to the Arch Bishop in Goa.  His pos

Decoratives, Genre, Title Page, de Bry

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Atlas Title Pages - Linschoten - India - South East Asia.

"Dritter Theil Indiae Orientalis"

darinnen erstlich das ander Theil der Schifffahrten Joann Huygens von Lintschotten ... so er in Orient gethan, begriffen vnd fürnemlich alle gelegenheit derselbigen Landen Insulen Meerpforten etc. so vnter wegen auffstossen vnd dann in India fürkommen Wie auch alles was der Author allda im Landt vnd nachmals auff seiner Widerreyse nach Hollandt gesehen vnd erfahren eygentlich beschrieben wirt.

II. Der Holländer Schifffahrt in die orientalische Insulen, Iauan vnd Sumatra ...

III. Drey Schifffahrten der Holländer nach ... Indien, durch das Mittnächtigsche oder Eissmeer [von Gerardus de Veer] ... Alles auffs trewlichst von newem auss den niderländischen Exemplarien in Hochteutsch bracht.

Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, : Durch Matthaeum Becker., M.D.XCIX.

Hand-colored copper etching of the title page of the third part of Jan Huygen van Linschoten (1563-1611)

German edition of his "Itinerario"

Publishers:  Johann Theodor and Johann Israel de Bry

Frankfurt on the Main 1599

Linschoten went to Goa (Portuguese India) and worked during six years as secretary to the Arch Bishop in Goa.

His position provided him access to all valuable secret material, collected by the Portuguese in one hundred years of presence in India and in South East Asia. Linschoten copied secretly what seemed of interest and took it on a voyage to Europe. English pirates caused a ship wreck, which forced Lischoten to stay on the Azore Islands for two years. In 1592 he finally landed in Lisboa and returned to the Netherlands. He wrote and published his first book: Travel report about the Portuguese Navigation in the Orient. He described herein sailing routes not only to India but also to China and Japan. He published two more books, one of which  was the famous: Itinerario: Voyage of the schipvaert van Jan Huyghen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien, 1579-1592. We offer here for sale the title page of Part III of the German edition of 1599.

At the bottom of this title page a depiction of Linschoten's ship wreck near the Azores.
The figures left and right are natives of Asia.

Left and right margins are widened. Otherwise very good condition.

28 x 19,5 cm (ca. 11 x 7.7") interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design


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