"Occidens" "Noachiden Erdkarte aus dem 11 Jahrhundert" ( Map of the decendents of Noah in the 11th Century)  Wood engraving on a page of text about very early maps showing how various peoples understood the world according to their beliefs. Text continues on reerse side. Published 1881.

Maps, Curiosity, after a map of the decendents of Noah in the 11th Century

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"Noachiden Erdkarte aus dem 11 Jahrhundert"
(Map of the descendants of Noah in the 11th Century)

Wood engraving on a page of text about very early maps showing how various peoples understood the world according to their beliefs. Text continues on reerse side.
Published 1881.

Original antique print 

Image: 10.5 x 10.5 cm ( 4.1 x 4.1") 

interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design 

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