City Views, Catastrophes, Belgium, Kortrijk
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"Les Recentes Inondations. Courtrai et les Environs" (Kortrijk in Belgium)
Wood engravings made after photographs. Published 1894.
Original antique print
On the reverse side is unrelated text. Vertical centerfold with two small repairs.
Page size: 35 x 51 cm (13.7x 20")
Kortryk or Kortrik; Courtrai; Cortoriacum; Courtrai or Courtray; Flemish province of West Flanders; Aalbeke, Bellegem, Bissegem, Heule, Kooigem, Marke, Rollegem, Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai; river Leie; Lys; catastrophic urban flooding; Brasserie Tack; Les Quais;
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