Botanicals, Herbs, Teucrium, Gerard
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1. Teucrium latifolium. Tree Germander with broad leaves.
2. Teucrium Pannonicum. Hungarie Germander.
On the reverse side is an image of "Chamaedrys Syluestris. Wilde Germander.
Page size: 34 x 21 cm ( 13.3 x 8,2 ")
Original antique print
Antique woodcuts by John Gerard from his "Herball" published in 1597.
The entire work contines text about the medicinal uses of each plant. Gerard was a botanist and apothecary and cultivated his own extensive garden in England. He often noted where the various plants could be found in England and elsewhere. These are some of the earliest prints made of many plants.
Notice the old English spelling of the time!
There are often images on both sides of the page as well as ample text (archaic English!) between the images. Often a bit of the backside text or image is visible on the front. Complete pages have binding marks in margin.
The colored prints have hand coloring. All prints are in good condition for their age unless otherwise mentioned. Minor signs of age and use are normal in prints this old. There is text and / or images on the reverse side.