Architecture, Interior Decoration, Design, Horology, Jeremias Wolff
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"Eine zierliche verkleidung zu einer ansehnlichen Stuben Uhr, welche nebst den Stunden und Minuten, den Monats Tag, und alle die jenigen Orten des Erdbodens auf einen Geographischen plano zeiget, die zu gleicher zeit in Europa Nacht haben"
Draft example for a clock, showing hours, minutes and day of the month for places in Europe during the night.
Copper etching by Jeremias Wolff (1663-1724) after the drawing by Johann Jacob Schuebler (1689-1741)
Published in "Synopsis architecture"
Published by Jeremias Wolff. Augsburg, 1724
Original antique print
Very good condition. Margins with occasional spots.
Image: 26,3 x 16,5 cm (ca. 10.4 x 6.5")
Page size: 40,5 x 22 cm (ca. 15.9 x 8.6")