"Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Walachiae, Bulgariae nova et accurata Delineatio magnem partem hodierni Theatri Bellici ob oculos ponens opera et sumtibus Matthei Seutteri, S. Caes. et Cathol. Reg. Majest, Geographi, Augustae Vindel."  Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring.  Published by Matthaeus Seutter (1678-1757)  Augsburg, ca. 1740  This map, is handsomely originally hand colored. It shows the geographical area (from the north): Moldova, Romania (including Transylvania) and Bulgaria - towards
"Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Walachiae, Bulgariae nova et accurata Delineatio magnem partem hodierni Theatri Bellici ob oculos ponens opera et sumtibus Matthei Seutteri, S. Caes. et Cathol. Reg. Majest, Geographi, Augustae Vindel."  Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring.  Published by Matthaeus Seutter (1678-1757)  Augsburg, ca. 1740  This map, is handsomely originally hand colored. It shows the geographical area (from the north): Moldova, Romania (including Transylvania) and Bulgaria - towards
"Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Walachiae, Bulgariae nova et accurata Delineatio magnem partem hodierni Theatri Bellici ob oculos ponens opera et sumtibus Matthei Seutteri, S. Caes. et Cathol. Reg. Majest, Geographi, Augustae Vindel."  Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring.  Published by Matthaeus Seutter (1678-1757)  Augsburg, ca. 1740  This map, is handsomely originally hand colored. It shows the geographical area (from the north): Moldova, Romania (including Transylvania) and Bulgaria - towards
"Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Walachiae, Bulgariae nova et accurata Delineatio magnem partem hodierni Theatri Bellici ob oculos ponens opera et sumtibus Matthei Seutteri, S. Caes. et Cathol. Reg. Majest, Geographi, Augustae Vindel."  Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring.  Published by Matthaeus Seutter (1678-1757)  Augsburg, ca. 1740  This map, is handsomely originally hand colored. It shows the geographical area (from the north): Moldova, Romania (including Transylvania) and Bulgaria - towards
"Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Walachiae, Bulgariae nova et accurata Delineatio magnem partem hodierni Theatri Bellici ob oculos ponens opera et sumtibus Matthei Seutteri, S. Caes. et Cathol. Reg. Majest, Geographi, Augustae Vindel."  Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring.  Published by Matthaeus Seutter (1678-1757)  Augsburg, ca. 1740  This map, is handsomely originally hand colored. It shows the geographical area (from the north): Moldova, Romania (including Transylvania) and Bulgaria - towards

Maps, Moldavia, Romania, Bulgaria, Danube, Black Sea, Valachia, Transylvania, arms

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"Transylvaniae, Moldaviae, Walachiae, Bulgariae nova et accurata Delineatio magnem partem hodierni Theatri Bellici ob oculos ponens opera et sumtibus Matthei Seutteri, S. Caes. et Cathol. Reg. Majest, Geographi, Augustae Vindel."

Copper etching with very fine original hand coloring.

Published by Matthaeus Seutter (1678-1757)

Augsburg, ca. 1740

This map, is handsomely originally hand colored. It shows the geographical area (from the north): Moldova, Romania (including Transylvania) and Bulgaria - towards the delta of the River Danube and the Black Sea.

Upper margin has been professionally added with adequately old paper. Minor signs of age and use in margins.

Map has baroque title cartouche and, at bottom right, a small cartouche with explanations of used symbols, adorned with four coats of arms of Valachia, Transylvania, Moldavia and Bulgaria.

Original antique print  

Reverse side is blank.

Image:49,8 x 58 cm (ca. 19.6 x 22.8")
Carpathian mountain range, Apuseni Mountains,  Crișana, Maramureș, Banat, Cluj-Napoca, Brașov, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș, Alba Iulia, Bistrița, Bram Stoker,Dracula, Wallachia or Walachia, Țara Românească, Siebenbürgen, Transsilvanien, Transsylvanien, Ardeal Erdély, Siweberjen, Τρανσυλβανία,Erdel, Karpatenraum, Rumäniens
interior design, wall decoration, ideas, idea, gift ideas, present, vintage, charming, special, decoration, home interior, living room design


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